Magma manages the internet based XML utilisations that most companies are adopting. By ultilising the full support of internet based EDI to the BT Edinet and GSX (Tradanet) VAN's and support for the AS2 (Asda Walmart, Compass etc.) protocol, Magma delivers the complete EDI / XML integration solution.
In addition to XML and EDI, Magma also supports Microsoft Excel, CSV, Delimited, Labeled Flat File formats and direct database updates using SQL. By incorporating event driven processes and a listening service for both IP/Port (HTTP) and disc files (FTP) Magma provides a comprehensive toolkit covering almost any requirement for a companies' business integration needs.
Reports and messages not requiring integration can be formatted into HTML or PDF documents and e-mailed to named recipients. This feature will be expanded further with the forthcoming Magma-Lite extension which will enable any transaction to be e-mailed to customers (i.e. invoices) or suppliers (i.e. purchase orders) with extensive auditing.
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